Lead a scientific institution tasked with searching for traces of life beyond planet Earth in SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a eurogame ...
We are a group of people who love board games and enjoy creating entertainment for players like we are. Back in 2006, we worked together on the first edition of Through the Ages, and we decided that this is the work we wanted to do for a living. Focused on publishing the games of Czech and Slovak authors such as Vlaada Chvátil, Vladimír Suchý, and Matúš Kotry, we have also cooperated with authors from Croatia (Filip Neduk), Italy (Daniele Tascini, Simone Luciani), Hungary (Dávid Turczi), and the US (Scot Eaton). We are a small company, but thanks to our partners around the world, you will find our games in over forty languages.
Lead a scientific institution tasked with searching for traces of life beyond planet Earth in SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a eurogame ...
Tapfere Kadetten, ihr habt euch freiwillig zum Dienst auf einem Erkundungsschiff der ? Tontauben ? -Klasse gemeldet. Die Mission ist simpel: Das Schiff ...
Space Alert is a team survival game. Players take on the role of a crew of space explorers sent out through hyperspace to survey a dangerous sector of the ...
The New Frontier contains several new expansions for Space Alert. These can be used individually or in combination to provide variety, challenge, and new ...
Diese Erweiterung enthält vier voneinander unabhängige Module für das Grundspiel Space Alert ? Alarm im Weltall (plus Crewabzeichen als ...
Willkommen an Bord und herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Beförderung! Dein "neues” Raumschiff ist bereit, auf seine erste große Reise zu gehen. Du musst nur ...
Train your crew, upgrade your starship, and take on daring missions as a new starship captain in an ever-shifting galactic adventure.
Welcome ...
Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends is a game played by masters of magic. Two to four summoners encounter each other in the Tash-Kalar arena, either in teams or ...
From the frozen lands of never-ending winter, from the snowy plains and glacier-capped mountains of the North, from splendid palaces of crystalline ice ...
Arkane Wesen materialisieren in der Arena und lassen die Grenzen von Raum und Zeit verwischen. Mit sich bringen sie Vorahnungen von Dingen, die ...