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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

Memoir 44 - Mediterranean Theater (Erw.) (engl.)

Memoir 44 - Mediterranean Theater (Erw.) (engl.)      
Game titleMemoir 44 - Mediterranean Theater (Erw.) (engl.)
Item numberDAY044
Weight340 g
Manufacturer Days Of WonderDays Of Wonder (2008)
Contact data
Download the game instructionsEnglish 
Game MaterialA complete British Army set including: 42 British infantrymen, 24 Crusader tanks, 6 25-pounder guns and 3 anti-tank weapons New rules including: the "Stiff Upper Lip" so common to the British Commonwealth Forces, the Motorized Divisions and "Artillery Bravery" of the Italian Royal Army, and a new class of embedded equipment pieces - the Special Weapon Assets! 44 new double-sided Terrain tiles including: escarpments, ergs & ridges, coastlines, desert airstrips, HQ & supply tents, oasis, wadis... 10 Round Markers: British medals, minefield tokens and "Exit" markers 4 Obstacles including: desert bunkers and roadblocks 14 new Special Forces badges including: including the British SAS, Royal Engineers, and an assortment of Italian badges 8 Historical Scenarios: from the tank disaster of Operation Battleaxe at Halfaya Pass to the relief of the Siege of Tobruk in Operation Crusader; 5 scenarios cover the drawn-out engagement of the Battle of Gazala!
Customer RatingStars 4 (1 Rating. Rate now!)
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article StateNew and original packaging


On the day war broke out, few nations imagined they would soon be forced to conduct land warfare outside of Europe. As a result, when the war reached North Africa, both men and machines were ill-prepared for the harsh demands of a desert campaign.

But history is a testament to the caliber of leadership, ingenuity and resolve of those who fought under such harsh conditions. Thanks in part to its long-established presence in far-flung corners of the globe, no army would display these qualities better than the British Commonwealth Forces.

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Rated by Richard R. aus Nijmegen, 05/11/2009

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