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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

Viticulture World: Cooperative (Exp.) (engl.)

Viticulture World: Cooperative (Exp.) (engl.)      
Game titleViticulture World: Cooperative (Exp.) (engl.)
Item numberSTO048
Manufacturer Stonemaier GamesStonemaier Games (2022)
Contact data
Instructions inEN
Game Material? 1 double-sided game board ? 7 completely asymmetric, unique continent decks ? 28 innovation tiles ? 20 new red and blue cards ? 24 yellow and blue hats ? 1 influence token ? 1 event token ? 20+ Automa solo components ? 20 card reprints
Customer RatingThere are currently no product reviews.
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article StateNew and original packaging


Cooperate with members of your extended winemaking family in various different regions around the world as you try to achieve global recognition. Balance the management of your individual vineyard with the combined effort of your fellow players to gain influence within the region.
Using the new game board, tiles, tokens, and event cards combined with the original
vineyard mats and game cards, you have 6 years to achieve the two conditions necessary for victory in the selected region: (1) Each player must reach 25 victory points and (2) the shared influence token must reach the end of the influence track.

*****Important Replacement Card Information:
• Every copy of the first printing of Viticulture World will have a replacement card pack shipped to you alongside it. Please make sure these are shipped on to retailers and end customers
• You can read more about the replacement cards in this post https://stonemaiergames.com/south-america-cultural-consulting-and-fixing-a-big-mistake/
• The replacement card pack is SKU'd with a visible UPC
• The SKU is STM114
• The UPC is 850032180429

Just ask us if you need more information about this item or if you can't find a certain game in our shop.


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