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Zubehör Box mit 18 Fächern, Abmessungen ca. 27,5x19x5 cm.
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In Rats of Wistar, you play the role of one of the four rats who organized the escape from the famous Wistar Institute. As such, you will have to lead your family to prove that you are the most deserving of leading the entire colony. Thanks to your extraordinary skills, you will be able to explore the Farm until you reach the pantry to be able to grab the appetizing cheese; exploiting the artifacts abandoned by humans at the edge of the Wood, you will create new inventions and expand your lair under the trees, digging new rooms and building new beds. You will meet native rats and mice that you will welcome into your family, and when necessary, you will visit the Alchemist mouse to gain some extra advantage.
The game takes place over 5 rounds (equal to the 5 days in which the challenge takes place) and you will earn victory points (VPs) as follows:
- build beds,
- excavation rooms,
- by solving missions within the Farm,
- welcome host mice,
- build new Inventions,
- claim Achievements.
At the end of the game, the player with the most VPs wins. In case of a tie, the player furthest in the turn order wins.
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Zubehör Box mit 18 Fächern, Abmessungen ca. 27,5x19x5 cm.
Je kleiner der Tisch, je mehr Spielmaterial, desto schwieriger wird es, die Token und anderes kleinteiliges Zubehör vernünftig auf dem Spieltisch zu sortieren, ohne dass alles zu einem chaotischen H...
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