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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

Nova Roma (international)

Nova Roma (international)      
Game titleNova Roma (international)
Item numberQUE266
Weight2360 g
Manufacturer Queen GamesQueen Games (2024)
Contact data
Instructions inEN, DE, FR
Customer RatingStars 4 (1 Rating. Rate now!)
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article StateNew and original packaging


In 324 AD, Emperor Constantine selected the ancient city of Byzantium on the shores of the Bosphorus to become the site of his new capital. He named it Nova Roma which means New Rome. To establish his magnificent new capital, the Emperor summoned his most trusted patricians and tasked them with a variety of duties. With the Emperor’s tireless support, this incredible task was accomplished in just six years.

In Nova Roma, you are the head of an ancient and noble roman house. You must deploy your family members and retainers to accomplish a variety of goals. Construct buildings, dominate sea routes, secure resources, race in the hippodrome, and hire specialists. At the end of the game, the family that has done the most to please the Emperor and achieve their own agendas will emerge as the victor.

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Rated by Arnaud L. aus Cugand, 01/24/2025

A very good expert game, with a little feeling "old school".

Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 reviews)

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