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Copyright 2024 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

Alchemists: The King`s Golem (Exp.) (engl.)

Alchemists: The King`s Golem (Exp.) (engl.)
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SpieltitelAlchemists: The King`s Golem (Exp.) (engl.)
AutorMatúš Kotry
IllustratorDavid Cochard
Spieleranzahl2 - 4
Alterab 14 Jahre
Spieldauerca. 120 Minuten
Gewicht1230 g
Hersteller Czech Games EditionCzech Games Edition (2016)
Spielanleitung inEN
KundenbewertungEs liegen noch keine Bewertungen vor.
Wichtige Hinweise:Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile.
ArtikelzustandNeu und originalverpackt


Alchemists: The King's Golem, an expansion to Alchemists, brings you a new logic puzzle with new rewards and consequences. Can you figure out how to animate a golem? And equally important, can you convince the king you are making progress?

This expansion actually consists of 4 independent modules:

- In Startup Funding, players get a chance to customize the initial resources in their laboratories.

- The Busy Days expansion makes each round different by offering new rewards (and new costs!) on the order spaces.

- The Royal Encyclopedia is an entirely new venue for publishing your research.

- And in The Golem Project, players have the challenge of animating a creature made from magic and clay.

The expansions are presented in order of complexity. The King's Golem (the most complex) module is designed for advanced players who enjoy solving difficult deduction tasks.

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