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Zubehör Box mit 10 Fächern, Abmessungen ca. 13x10x3 cm.
Note: Insert designed for game with external box dimensions of 31.7 x 22.7 x 7.2 cm.
Insert compatible with Altiplano®, and The Traveler® expansion. The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play. Many of the trays can be utilised during the game, and they greatly aid set-up and clear-away times. The rules and trading point board act as a lid on top of the trays. There are three separate trays, one each for the coins, the food tiles and the point markers. There is one large tray for vertical storage of the game cards, all of which can be sleeved. And there are two trays for the storage of the cloth, wool, alpaca, silver, ore and stone tiles. The bottom layer of trays utilizes the card containers that come with the game. These containers are used to store the extensions, separating the A, B, C, and D tiles, and lastly the 3+, 4+, 5+ tiles, and small alpaca starting player tile. The insert provides one tray to fit with the containers which contains the player pieces. The game boards need to be placed in the box in the following sequence. First go the action boards followed by the warehouses and VP overview tiles. Next go the smaller location tiles and the traveler strips. These are followed by the larger locations and the extension strip. Next go the score pads and the asset summary sheets. The game rules, the trading point, and the large alpaca starting player marker go on top. These will completely fill the game box and allow for the game to be stored vertically. This product consists of a flat-pack of 3 Evacore sheets. The trays require assembly, which is quick and fun, using ordinary PVA glue. Detailed instructions are included in the package.
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Zubehör Box mit 10 Fächern, Abmessungen ca. 13x10x3 cm.
Spielsteine neigen dazu, manchmal einfach wegzurollen. Wohin also damit, wenn sie beim Spielen auf ihren Einsatz warten oder bereits vom Brett genommen wurden.
Wir haben die Lösung für Sie: Unse...
Spielsteine neigen dazu, manchmal einfach wegzurollen. Wohin also damit, wenn sie beim Spielen auf ihren Einsatz warten oder bereits vom Brett genommen wurden.
Wir haben die Lösung für Sie: Unse...
100 Stück Premium Zip-Beutel 100x140mm (10x14cm) in 90µ Folienstärke
Das 1-Euro-Stück auf dem Foto dient nur dem Größenvergleich und wird nicht mitgeliefert!
100 Stück Zip-Beutel 100x150mm (10x15cm) in 50µ Folienstärke
Das 1-Euro-Stück auf dem Foto dient nur dem Größenvergleich und wird nicht mitgeliefert!
Grab' dich Frei
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