007 – SPECTRE is a competitive game for 2 for 4 players who take the roles of iconic 007 villains. Each player is a member of the insidious organization ...
007 – SPECTRE is a competitive game for 2 for 4 players who take the roles of iconic 007 villains. Each player is a member of the insidious organization ...
"On the stage of the Pacific battle, there was a concrete confrontation that marked a milestone in history, that of the American aircraft carrier ...
Empfehlungsliste Spiel des Jahres 2022, Generationenspiel-Siegel 2022
Beim Familienspiel 7 Wonders Architects baut jeder Spieler ein Weltwunder der Antike. Die Spieler sammeln Ressourcen für ihr Weltwunder, bauen ihre Stadt ...
Life is full of emotion, and the region of the brain primarily associated with processing these emotions is the amygdala.
In the abstract strategy ...
Life is full of emotion, and the region of the brain primarily associated with processing these emotions is the amygdala.
In the abstract ...
Life is full of emotion, and the region of the brain primarily associated with processing these emotions is the amygdala.
In the abstract ...
Ancient Terrible Things: Reawakened is a pulp-horror tabletop game for 1-4 players.
You play the role of an intrepid and foolish adventurer ...
In ancient times, a single individual was chosen as intermediary between the gods and mortal man. This king was anointed as prophet, priest, and ruler by ...
In Archeos Society schlüpfen die Spieler in die Rolle von konkurrierenden Archäologen, die ihr Expeditionsteam bei der Erkundung legendärer Fundstätten ...
Das alte Ägypten trifft auf Steampunk! Arkeis von den Autoren von Draftosaurus, Unlock Epic Adventure, Mr. Jack, Dice Town, Diavolo, 7 Wonders, Cyclades, ...