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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

Pandemic: On the Brink (2013) (engl.)

Pandemic: On the Brink (2013) (engl.)      
Game titlePandemic: On the Brink (2013) (engl.)
Item numberZMA161
AuthorsMatt Leacock, Thomas Lehmann
IllustratorChris Quilliams
Number of Players2 - 5
Agefrom 12 Years
Durationapprox. 60 - 90 minutes
Manufacturer Z-Man GamesZ-Man Games (2013)
Contact data
Instructions inDE
Game Material7 new Role cards with matching pawns, 8 new Event Cards, 8 Virulent Strain Epidemic cards, 12 purple Disease cubes, 1 purple Disease wood marker, 1 Cure Indicator sticker and card, 2 Mutation cards, 3 Mutation Event cards, 1 Bio-Terrorist location pad, 1 Epidemic card, 1 reference card, 4 blank cards for customizing, 5 petri dishes and labels
Customer RatingThere are currently no product reviews.
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article StateNew and original packaging


In this expansion you will find seven new roles; eight new special events; and several challenge kits to be added to the basic game play.

Virulent Strain Challenge: makes one disease become particularly deadly in unpredictable ways.

Mutation Challenge: adds a fifth (purple) disease that behaves differently than the original four.

Bio-Terrorist Challenge: one player plays against the others!

You may also play with 5 players and play on Legendary level!

Just ask us if you need more information about this item or if you can't find a certain game in our shop.


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