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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

The Great Split (engl.)

Game titleThe Great Split (engl.)
Item numberHOR075
AuthorsHjalmar Hach, Lorenzo Silva
IllustratorWeberson Santiago
Number of Players2 - 7
Agefrom 8 Years
Durationapprox. 45 minutes
Weight1630 g
Manufacturer Horrible GuildHorrible Guild (2022)
Contact data
Instructions inEN
Customer RatingStars 4 (1 Rating. Rate now!)
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article StateNew and original packaging


The Great Split is a drafting game for 2-7 players where you build a
prestigious collection of riches by trading cards with the other players
in simultaneous drafting rounds. You start each round by splitting
your cards into two groups. Then, you pass your Wallet to the player on
your left. But beware: only one group of cards will be given back to
you! Don’t despair, though! While your opponent is looking at your
Split, you also receive a similar offer from the player on your right,
so choose wisely.
Depending on how each player builds their Collection, different riches
will take on a different value for each of them. Create the perfect offer
to push your opponent to take what you want them to take…leaving
you with the tastiest loot!

Just ask us if you need more information about this item or if you can't find a certain game in our shop.


Rated by Alexander K. aus Jena, 11/16/2023

Sehr gelungenes "I split, you choose" Spiel. Sehr kurzweiliges, schnell gespieltes Spiel, welches gut geeignet ist für größere Gruppen. Perfektes Spiel um den Spieleabend ausklingen zu lassen.

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