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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (engl.)

SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (engl.)      
Game titleSETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (engl.)
Item numberCGE167
AuthorTomáš Holek
Number of Players1 - 4
Agefrom 14 Years
Durationapprox. 40 - 160 minutes
Weight3370 g
Manufacturer Czech Games EditionCzech Games Edition (2024)
Contact data
Instructions inEN
Customer RatingStars 5 (1 Rating. Rate now!)
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article StateNew and original packaging


Lead a scientific institution tasked with searching for traces of life beyond planet Earth in SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a eurogame for 1-4 players inspired by existing or emerging technologies and efforts in space exploration.

By launching probes to investigate nearby planets and moons, directing telescopes to distant star systems, and developing your equipment back on Earth, you will investigate the Solar System and beyond, searching for signs of life outside our planet. To aid in your exploration, you may also utilize 200+ cards that feature real technologies, projects, and discoveries, each of them with unique illustrations and effects.

SETI pays homage to space and planetary exploration, astronomy, the ongoing search for signs of life in the vastness of space, and efforts to understand the nature of life in the universe.

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Rated by anonym, 10/23/2024

Eines der Highlights der Messe. Wer Weltraumthrma mag,
sollte zugreifen. Die Karten sind mit englischen Erklärtexten. Ggf. auf die kommende dt. Version warten.

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