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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

Agricola Family-Edition (engl.) (2. Wahl)

Game titleAgricola Family-Edition (engl.) (2. Wahl)
Item numberMAY253_Z02
AuthorUwe Rosenberg
IllustratorKlemens Franz
Number of Players1 - 4
Agefrom 8 Years
Durationapprox. 45 - 90 minutes
Manufacturer Mayfair Games (2016)
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Instructions inEN
Customer RatingThere are currently no product reviews.
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article State2nd choice


Please note: This article is a second choice article. The packaging was damaged by transport damage.

Artikelzustand: Die Verpackung ist an der Seite verfärbt.

The 17th Century Was Not an Easy Time to be a Farmer.

Agricola Family Edition is the introductory edition of Uwe Rosenberg’s celebrated classic. Designed for 1-4 players, the game features no cards and simplified rules, making it a perfect entry point to Agricola for younger players, or those who simply want a more casual play experience.

Players begin play with two family members and can grow their families over the course of the game. This allows them more actions but remember you must generate enough food to feed your growing family!
Feeding your family is a special kind of challenge and players plant grain and vegetables while supplementing their food supply with sheep, boar and cattle. Guide your family to health, wealth and prosperity and you will win the game!

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