Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods is a 4X eurogame by Danilo Sabia and Simone Luciani, set in an ancient dystopian past, wheremythology and science-fiction come ...
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Founded back in 2009 by a group of young, skilled and enthusiastic gamers and artists, Cranio Creations quickly evolved in one of the most well-known board game publishers in Italy.
We offer games suitable for every occasion or gaming group, focusing our production on ingenious and innovative mechanics along with a gorgeous graphical design.
Most of our games are entirely designed and developed by our creative team, and distribuited around the world thank to the collaboration with our international partners.
Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods is a 4X eurogame by Danilo Sabia and Simone Luciani, set in an ancient dystopian past, wheremythology and science-fiction come ...
Im 4X-Eurogame Anunnaki: Götterdämmerung schlüpfen die Spieler in die Rolle von Göttern verschiedenster Mythologien. Durch das Bauen von Siedlungen, ...