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100 Stück Zip-Beutel 100x150mm (10x15cm) in 50µ Folienstärke
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n Expedition Zetta, you start the game by recruiting 1-4 crew members, then you will:
Discover strange planetary systems, randomly generated each game based on the latest scientific data
Find exotic new substances never before seen
Develop exo-products that can advance human technology
Gain new knowledge
Encounter new forms of life or ruins and settlements of vanished, ancient alien civilizations with their promise of both danger and discovery
Perhaps encounter another star-faring civilization whose members might even become part of your crew, making it not only international but interstellar
See crew interactions that can lead to romance or intrigue, which can either help or hinder you
Every game plays differently! Each game includes four planetary systems. After warping together to a distant star, you travel with your crew individually between planets, searching for life and substances or trying to construct exo-products. If the life you find is intelligent, you may even interact with it. The discoveries are your main source of Fame.
The revolutionary Zetta Planetary System Generator, used in the advanced game, can generate as many different star systems in the game as there are in the known universe, each with its own unique characteristics and its own name. Thus, no two voyages to the stars will ever be the same! During the warp stage in the advanced game, you interact with the other players' crew members to gain advantages. Romance or intrigue may occur, with varying effects.
Apart from the gameplay experience, a journey with Expedition Zetta will give you knowledge about stars and planets, along with memories of when you for instance managed to extract gems from a gaseous giant in a triple star system, from when you found life in a lenticular galaxy or when you managed to produce time crystals near a super-hot supergiant O-star.
Expedition Zetta has a basic version that is great for the whole family.
Just ask us if you need more information about this item or if you can't find a certain game in our shop.
100 Stück Zip-Beutel 100x150mm (10x15cm) in 50µ Folienstärke
Das 1-Euro-Stück auf dem Foto dient nur dem Größenvergleich und wird nicht mitgeliefert!
Je kleiner der Tisch, je mehr Spielmaterial, desto schwieriger wird es, die Token und anderes kleinteiliges Zubehör vernünftig auf dem Spieltisch zu sortieren, ohne dass alles zu einem chaotischen H...
Je kleiner der Tisch, je mehr Spielmaterial, desto schwieriger wird es, die Token und anderes kleinteiliges Zubehör vernünftig auf dem Spieltisch zu sortieren, ohne dass alles zu einem chaotischen H...
100 Stück Zip-Beutel 160x220mm (16x22cm) in 50µ Folienstärke
Das 1-Euro-Stück auf dem Foto dient nur dem Größenvergleich und wird nicht mitgeliefert!
100 Stück Zip-Beutel 60x80mm (6x8cm) in 50µ Folienstärke
Das 1-Euro-Stück auf dem Foto dient nur dem Größenvergleich und wird nicht mitgeliefert!
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