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Je kleiner der Tisch, je mehr Spielmaterial, desto schwieriger wird es, die Token und anderes kleinteiliges Zubehör vernünftig auf dem Spieltisch zu sortieren, ohne dass alles zu einem chaotischen H...
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Prosecute or defeat the third crusade in this card-driven war game. Command armies to seize resources, send emissaries to build alliances, and perform pious feats to ensure standing with the faith. But every choice has a cost. Players must tread a fine line between strengthening their position and granting too much power to their opponents over the events that shaped the conflict.
How to play?
In Third Crusade, you play as an Army of either the Muslim or Crusader Alliance during the early 1190s. Your goal is to accumulate Glory through conquering and controlling Regions and defeating enemy Armies.
Sequence of play - Third Crusade is played over 3 years, divided into 4 rounds. Each round has 5 phases.
1. Strategy phase: Players strategically place Event Cards on the Bidding Board and choose cards for their opponents. Their choices will affect how many command points they get to spend on executing Orders.
2. Planning phase: Players alternate placing Orders until all players have passed.
3. Command phase: Players alternate activating an Event Card or an Order. Players Battle their opponents by trying to conquer each other's Regions, gaining Glory based on how well they succeed.
4. Diplomacy phase: Players bid for rewards on the Diplomacy Card and Board.
5. Upkeep phase: Players gain Glory and different resources.
If at any point during the game, an Alliance reaches 10 Glory points, the game is over.
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Je kleiner der Tisch, je mehr Spielmaterial, desto schwieriger wird es, die Token und anderes kleinteiliges Zubehör vernünftig auf dem Spieltisch zu sortieren, ohne dass alles zu einem chaotischen H...
Zubehör Box mit 18 Fächern, Abmessungen ca. 27,5x19x5 cm.
Zubehör Box mit 10 Fächern, Abmessungen ca. 13x10x3 cm.
Zubehör Box L mit abnehmbarem Deckel, stapelbar, Abmessungen ca. 7x7x5 cm.
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