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Copyright 2025 Milan-Spiele, Michael Lang

The Castles of Burgundy (Neuauflage Burgen von Burgund 2019)

The Castles of Burgundy (Neuauflage Burgen von Burgund 2019) 
Bild 2     
Game titleThe Castles of Burgundy (Neuauflage Burgen von Burgund 2019)
Item numberALE055
AuthorStefan Feld
Illustrator Antje Stephan, Claus Stephan
Number of Players1 - 4
Agefrom 12 Years
Durationapprox. 70 - 120 minutes
Weight1960 g
Manufacturer Alea SpieleAlea Spiele (2019)
Contact data
Instructions inDE
Download the game instructionsGerman English France 
Game Material1 doppelseitiger Spielplan, 16 Spielertableaus, 8 Stanztafeln (mit über 300 Teilen), 9 Würfel, 8 Spielsteine
BoardGameGeek Avg Rating8.4
Customer RatingStars 5 (4 Ratings. Rate now!)
Important notes Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of suffocation due to small parts.
Article StateNew and original packaging


Zentralfrankreich, im 15. Jahrhundert. Als einflussreiche Fürsten setzen die 2-4 Spieler alles daran, ihre einzelnen Ländereien durch überlegten Handel und Wandel zu Wohlstand und Ansehen zu führen!

Ein spannendes abendfüllendes Strategiespiel für alle, die neue Herausforderungen und lang anhaltenden Spielspaß suchen!

Diese Ausgabe von 2019 enthält acht Erweiterungen, sieben, die bereits vorher als Promo-Erweiterungen erschienen sind, und eine bisher unveröffentlichte.

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Rated by Billy-Joe B. aus Liège, 01/26/2021

DE: schönes Design, gute Qualität, Komplex, aber doch recht einfach zu verstehen. Interessante Spielmechaniken und ein bischen Würfelglück versprechen Abwechslung, vor allem mit den mitgelieferten Erweiterungen. Ein Spiel dauert bei uns etwa 1,5 Stunden bei 2 Spielern, ist also nicht zu langwierig. Sehr zu empfehlen.

EN: nice design, good quality, somewhat complex, but still easy to learn. The combination of interesting mechanics and a bit of luck give it enough veriability to keep it interesting in the long term, especially with the included expansion. We played a 2 player game in around 1.5 hours, so it's not too drawn out. Highly recommended

Rated by anonym, 12/21/2020

Castles of Burgundy is a great Euro game that cleverly uses a system based on randomness to always push players into different strategic directions.

The aim of the game is to get points by building your small kingdom. You essentially do this by getting various tiles from supply areas which can be depleted by other players. Which supply area you can get a tile from depends on dice that you role at the beginning of each turn. In my opinion, it is this bit of randomness that makes the game very strategic, since you have to really think and react to what you get each round. You can also use your actions to get workers who can help change the result on your dice - thus making longer term strategies a bit easier, but still it means sacrificing actions to get the workers in the first place.

Also, the multiple ways in which you can get points (which depends on which kind of tiles and where you place the tiles) is so vast that there are several paths to victory. You can also intentionally grab tiles that other players need, depriving them of getting ahead.

Really great fun. The anniversary addition also comes with many additions to the base game which adds a ridiculous amount of even more variation. I advise to start off with learning the base game first though.

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